

来源: | 发布日期:5个月前 | 浏览次数:






  1. **需求对接**:缘通租赁的专业团队首先与安悦生活超市进行了深入沟通,详细了解其监控需求、场地布局及预算限制,制定了个性化的租赁方案。

  2. **方案设计**:根据超市实际情况,缘通租赁设计了覆盖收银区、货架区、出入口及仓库等关键区域的监控网络布局,确保无死角监控。同时,选用了高清晰度、夜视功能强大的摄像头,以满足超市24小时不间断监控的需求。

  3. **快速部署**:在方案确定后,缘通租赁迅速组织技术人员前往超市,利用周末时间完成了所有摄像头的安装调试工作,确保在不影响超市正常营业的前提下,高效完成系统升级。

  4. **培训与维护**:为确保超市员工能够熟练操作监控系统,缘通租赁还提供了专业的操作培训。同时,租赁期间内,公司提供7x24小时远程技术支持,确保系统稳定运行。






  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Surveillance Camera Rental in Laibin, Guangxi**

  In the vibrant city of Laibin, Guangxi, the significance of security and surveillance has grown increasingly prominent. From commercial districts to educational institutions and residential areas, efficient surveillance systems are indispensable for ensuring safety and order. Yuantong Rental, as a leading provider of surveillance equipment rental services in the region, recently assisted a large supermarket chain, Anyue Supermarket, in Laibin, to swiftly upgrade its surveillance system through short-term rental, earning high praise from the client.

  **Project Background**:

  As the Spring Festival approached, Anyue Supermarket witnessed a surge in customer traffic. To ensure shopper safety, prevent theft, and manage in-store order, the management decided to comprehensively upgrade its surveillance system. Recognizing that post-festival demand might decline, purchasing new equipment outright would be costly and potentially wasteful. Consequently, Anyue chose to partner with Yuantong Rental for a short-term rental of high-definition surveillance cameras.

  **Cooperation Process**:

  1. **Needs Alignment**: Yuantongs professional team conducted in-depth discussions with Anyue Supermarket, understanding its surveillance needs, site layout, and budgetary constraints, and crafting a tailored rental plan.

  2. **Solution Design**: Based on the supermarkets specifics, Yuantong designed a surveillance network covering key areas like checkout counters, shelves, entrances, exits, and warehouses, ensuring comprehensive monitoring. High-resolution, night-vision cameras were selected to meet the supermarkets 24/7 monitoring requirements.

  3. **Rapid Deployment**: Upon plan approval, Yuantong technicians swiftly installed and configured all cameras during a weekend, minimizing disruption to business operations.

  4. **Training & Maintenance**: Yuantong provided operation training to supermarket staff and offered 7x24 remote technical support during the rental period, ensuring system stability.

  **Customer Feedback**:

  Our partnership with Yuantong Rental has been incredibly convenient and efficient, said Mr. Li, the manager of Anyue Supermarket. The short-term rental model not only addressed our immediate needs but also effectively controlled costs. The upgraded surveillance system significantly enhanced customer safety, reduced security


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